For Chief Financial Officers

Data and reports produced in OPX can support the work of the CFO with:

  • Setting strategies to reduce the cost
  • Managing financial and compliance risk
  • Maximising and maintaining growth momentum
  • Looking for economies of scale and valuable market challengers
  • Outsourcing strategy and selling off low return business areas

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Challenges & Solutions

How OPX can help

CFO Challenges Requirements How OPX can help
What is my enterprise cost profile and where are the largest sinks? I need to quantify the components of my baseline costs and justify the value on money spent. OPX can provide the data when added to a cost model of an organisational area, process, activity, product group, product, skill set, etc
How well is my budgeting strategy being adhered to, and how appropriate is it? I want to ensure money is being spent where it can deliver the best return. OPX can show where more human resources were required, the benefit or not of RPA or new systems on throughput, quality and SLAs.
Which areas are driving growth and how can I reinforce this growth? I need to see where demand has a positive trend, see the nature of this demand and the teams involved. OPX can show volumes per process or activity, and trends growth or cyclical in demand, also at a product or product group level allowing resource re-targeting and re-prioritising
Are there any low value areas suitable for outsourcing? When a high skill requirement or a low volume for non-key product lines is visible it could indicate outsourcing potential. OPX can identify costly or low volume products or product groups or those with rare skills, when added to a cost profile the cost of products.
How can I maximise the value I gain from an acquisition? I need to minimise complexity from M&A. I need to ensure I protect the value and agility of acquired bodies. OPX can provide data for detailed cost analysis by process and activity but also by product group or product allowing for better M&A pricing and planning.

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